Friday, March 30, 2012

Standout Birthday Toys over the Years

My wife, God bless her, gave me a great idea.  She suggested since I'm doing a toy blog and it's my birthday to feature some of the toys I remember getting for previous birthdays while growing up.  Here's the deal,  I'll show the piece and say a word or two about it.  Let's go!

 By far the earliest toy I ever remember getting, the Peanut's Gane Snoopy Pound a Ball Pinball machine produced in 1978 which I got it in 1985 for my third birthday.  How I got one, I have no idea.  I just remember loving it and it breaking soon afterwards.
 This one I remember because I've seen pictures of me playing playing with it on my fourth birthday when it fell on Easter Sunday that year.   I'm in my little pastel suspenders rocking out with the dragon walker in my grandfather's back yard.  Good times had by all.  I also remember getting this bitch'n Mask Condor cycle...That was definitely brought in for show and tell!

 Up next was my fifth birthday 1987, it was a dinosaur year for me and Definitely Dinosaurs was the way to go.  I remember getting a ton of dino related stuff but this guy was the standout winner.  (would have preferred dino-riders but can't complain, haha)

1989, Age 7:  On my seventh birthday (bowling party) got me this sweet-ass Arctic Blast, one of the only Joe vehicles I ever got in the box.  It was a hit most definitely.
  1990, age 8: Holy hell, my eight birthday was insane, got the lego sets in my Easter basket, the Super Soaker 50 and the video games all came from my God Parents and neighbors.  Let those good times roll, baby! 

 Btw, They were three damn good games too.  Tropics was the absolute best though, hands down.

 1992, age 10: This was an absolute monster of a set! I got this number at Toys R Us in Wilkes Barre and it took me all of Sunday to complete it.  Remember The Ten Commandments being on while I built it.  It set the mood nicely. :)

 1994, age 12:  Purchased this baby with my birthday money, and trying like hell to hook it up on my own, stupid metal prongs!   I remember getting Dragon's Lair too and not being able to play it because I was assigned to read the Hobbit over the weekend, I just remember reading that book made me want to take on the Lair even more!

 1995, age 13: distinctly remember eating tacos, it raining really hard that day and getting Spawn Issue 4 fromy my parents who paid wayyyy too much for the only issue I didn't have of the series. 
1997, age 15: a year a little too old for some to be getting toys,  I didn't care.   The Power of the Force line was just getting off the ground and I clamoured for the chance to get these rereleases since my only shot at these toys were half broken flea market finds in my earlier years.  This one was a nice item because it was an exact match of the old-school kenner version even if the figures looked like hell.

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